Mengetagui Badan Ideal

Bagaimana menghitung kalori makanan yang akan kita makan ?
Ada berbagai cara yang digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah kalori makanan yang akan dikonsumsi:
- Menggunakan berat, mula-mula makanan ditimbang dahulu lalu dikira-kira menggunakan ukuran rumah tangga (seperti gelas, sendok makan, sendok teh) dan disesuaikan dengan daftar penukar makanan.

- Dapat dibaca dalam kandungan zat gizi / nutrition fact suatu produk makanan yang tertera di bagian belakang suatu kemasan makanan.

- Melihat contoh bahan makanan yang digunakan (food model).
Sebagai contoh : jika ingin mengkonsumsi 1 porsi nasi goreng, dapat dihitung dengan memperkirakan kira kira berapa sendok nasi yang digunakan untuk 1 porsi tersebut (100 g nasi = 8-10 sendok makan = 175 kkal) + berapa banyak minyak yang digunakan (1 sendok makan minyak = 100 kkal) + berapa butir telur (1 butir telur = 75 kkal) + daging ayam (1 paha bawah = 50 kkal).
Jadi jika nasi goreng sekitar 10 sendok makan yang dimasak dengan 1 sendok makan minyak dan 1 butir telur & daging ayam sekitar 400 kkal.

Body Mass Index Calculator
Enter the following data
Sex male female
Body Surface Area m2
Lean Body Weight kg = lbs
Ideal Body Weight kg = lbs
Body Mass Index kg/m2 =
Interpretation of the results
BMI < 18.5 underweight
BMI 18.5 to 24.9 healthy
BMI 25 to 29.9 overweight
BMI 30 or more obese

Mobile Application Development For Smartphone Android And Tablet Devices

Mobile database integration or mobile application programming is paramount by which specific software was created and produced for cell phones, personal digital assistants. Mobile Database Integration is means to fix achieve public. 

There's massive need for mobile database integration emerge because of countless mobile consumer browsing the web today and there's an inopportune gap if this involves the amount of consumer-focused mobile Applications that really load well on mobile phones and wise phones.

What To Look Out For In The Best Android Tablet

The effective launch of Apples iPad marked the brand new era of PC tablet market. Most computing devices producers acknowledged the potential of the presence of a sizable marketplace for the merchandise and emerged with general recommendations. The recommendations pointed the best Android PC tablet ought to be light, ought to be portable and affordable.

It ought to be quick enough for routine tasks as web surfing, email, tweeting and facebooking. Like a user, you will find recommendations which i've layed out in the following paragraphs which can help you in picking your very best Android tablet.

Designer Android Tablets Buy One

Using the creation of wise phones and Apple iPods and iPads, tablets would be the latest stuff on the market. These tablets are really the portable type of your personal computer and also have nearly every feature of the desktop with no mouse along with a large touch screen with camera and wi-fi facilities. As you will find many software platforms like iOS, Java, Symbian and Android and much more which behave as the OS such products, Android tablets appear to rule the marketplace.

Android is totally new operating-system by Google which is made for internet books, mobiles and tablet computer systems and contains major advantages like Expensive abilities, which is a wide open platform which enables anybody to include or remove any plug-inches which causes it to be better than its other rivals.